About Us
The School Speaker Alliance of Los Angeles (SSALA) came to life in 2017 when a group of parent volunteers saw an opportunity to provide engaging and enlightening speakers to the broader Los Angeles independent school parent community. Our criteria for selection includes speakers who innovate, inspire or contribute new research in the areas of parenting, education, and childhood experiences. SSALA operates as a consortium, with member schools paying annual dues, providing volunteer parent representatives, and, when possible, hosting events to support SSALA’s efforts.
SSALA’s Mission
Through thought-provoking speakers addressing relevant topics, SSALA strives to educate and connect parents, ultimately creating healthier, stronger families and tightening bonds across the Los Angeles parent community.
SSALA’s Philosophy
INQUIRY – Encouraging all to question and challenge current thoughts and practices. Through open and honest inquiry, we can adapt and grow.
DIALOGUE – Prompting conversation about issues that matter. Through thoughtful and respectful dialogue, we can deepen our understanding of, and empathy for, diverse opinions.
ENLIGHTENMENT – Heightening understanding of complex and difficult topics. Through enlightening educational experiences, we can become more thoughtful, self-aware, and responsible.
ALLIANCE – Connecting parents across the Los Angeles area. Through opportunities to learn, discuss, and work together we can strengthen our sense of community and solidarity, tightening the social fabric that supports Los Angeles families.